The journey of a Tooth

Everyone knows the basics of tooth development, they grow in, fall out, grow in back and sometimes fall back out again. What most people don’t know is that there is a system and it starts months before that first little friend pops through the gum line. Teeth begin to develop in the embryonic stage at…

How Much Do You Know About Your Teeth?

Do you consider your teeth as living things? They contain nerves, living tissues, and our mouth produces bacteria. They are always active with chewing, biting, talking, and grinding. Dental problems are hardly enjoyable, but on the bright side, most are preventable. Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, regular check-ups, and proper eating is important for…

Kids and Untreated Cavities in the US

With the vast advancements in the dental field this last decade, it may be surprising to learn that untreated cavities are still a prevalent and persistent issue for many people in the United States. More than one in five Americans has untreated cavities, according to Dr. Bruce Dye, an epidemiologist at the U.S. Center for…